AGENCY OWNERS ONLY! Looking to scale your agency to the next level? Book a free growth call below to see if we can help you.
Common questions answered.
What does Done-For-You (DFY) mean?
Done-For-You means the service we provide is delievered fully by us. You don't have to do anything. What makes Spark AI unique is our DFY package will be fully customised for your businesses needs.
How do I know if this is right for my business?
Our systems are designed to fit agencies of all sizes. During our free consultation, we’ll assess your specific needs and ensure that the system is tailored to your goals.
Will the system be customized to my business?
Yes! Every system we build is customized based on your business goals, target market, and specific challenges. We work closely with you to design the perfect solution.
Do you provide ongoing support after installation?
Yes! We offer ongoing support and optimization services to ensure your system continues to perform at its best. You’ll have access to our team through video calls and a Slack Channel for any questions or adjustments needed.
How much does this cost?
Our pricing depends on the specific needs of your business. We offer various packages that suit different sizes and types of businesses. We’ll discuss pricing during your free consultation to ensure it fits your budget.
What kind of results can I expect from this system?
While results vary depending on your business, most clients see significant improvements in efficiency, lead conversion rates, and revenue growth. We can provide case studies and success stories during our consultation. We also offer a guarentee - if you meet a few minimum requirements we can guarentee you will see a $6000 increase in revinue in 30 days.